Sunday, June 8, 2008

CSS Alumni Chalet 2008 @ Aloha Changi

dear all

Thanks to all who attended the chalet. I hope you had tons of fun. The above photos are up for grabs. I realised that if you click on the picture first to see the enlarged version before clicking "save picture as", the picture saved will be larger. These are ALL the pics i took.

For those who did not, or werent informed by me (because I don't have your contact), you are more than welcomed to participate in future alumni events. just email me your contacts at if you are interested, like how some of you already did. =)

For loyal readers like Dee and Perlyn, thanks for the constant visit, and for the constant urge to post. Even myself have stopped checking out the tabs update hahahaha. If it's any comfort, the new site for this year's prom will be set up soon. Hopefully everyone can pay it a visit and support the site. Further details will be revealed at a later date.

In any case I guess this site will come to a halt pretty soon after I upload a few more entries of the prom pictures. If anyone wants to take over this site and allow common postings, do feel free to contact me. We can work out the details. =)

As batches come and go, I do hope that this batch will stay united and in contact for a long time to come. The Alumni is a common ground for all to return to, to catch up and to move forward, and in the meantime give back to the school in ways we can. Because we all love CSS, and because we want our juniors to experience what we've experienced: the CSS spirit. Cheesy as this might sound, but I've not heard that phrase in years, until some of you reminded me by talking about the JJC spirit today. There will not be any alumni if no one comes back. I hope that as we all move on with life, and increasingly so as years pass, we'll always remember the 4+ years of shared experience, and give back, because in doing so, we receive.
take care.

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